Thursday 7 October 2010

Second ideas for 'I'm a liar'

Today in my group we made a brainstorm with different ideas in which we can use although we have already had a initial idea for our video we decided more would be much better.

The brain storm consisted of under the themes of:


Location Ideas

London Underground


Unrequited love
Chasing of love
following a story


Out of focus
Steady cam
Time remapping - Rewind, slow motion, fast forward
x-ray effect


High end fashion
Flares (80s theme)

Under the theme costume we can came up the idea of maybe having a tramp in the video who is singing along with the lyrics. Thinking of costume we also began to think of props and thought that maybe the tramp could be singing along with a I-Pod in. Expanding further with this idea we thought of having a tramp singing along with the music who is dancing maybe even body popping. This idea is different to many other ideas that we have thought of and is very different to many music videos I have looked at. The audience would be very shocked to see this as our main idea as it is very unique and they would not be expecting it. From this to the idea of this tramp trying to get the lead singers attention the one who is following and trying to find the girl. The one who is in idea 1 - the tramp is dancing in front of him for money but the lead singer does not notice him and is to focused in finding the women he is after.

Below is a video by Fat Boy Slim which has the dancing and is similar to the idea in what we had, but it would not be in the location and with not the same kind of dancing.

The other idea we gained from working in a team today and writing out a spider diagram was that we used narrator and used the lyrics to help with our video ideas. A main line that is used in the song is 'I only came here, 'cause I hinder you drinking, darling.' From this line we gained the impression that the main character in this song is aiming to stop this women from drinking. We got the impression that this women was maybe a alcoholic and he is stopping her from making the mistake. From idea 1 we thought that when the man wakes up in the morning he could look over and find that she was gone, he frantically gets up and tries to find her.

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