Monday 4 October 2010

The maccabees website analysis.

The conventions that are used on The Maccabees website is the audio and video that as a audience we see and hear as soon as we get to the homepage of their website. The live performance that the audience are shown which engages the fans in to seeing how they sing and how their band works. The attention of the audience is on the band straight away. Using the live footage keeps the fan more engaged and keeps them on the website for longer. The text on the homepage are the links that the website has. At the bottom of the live footage the links take you to the maccabees social networking sites. This is effective because a fan can go on to their hompage and find everything they need in one place. The links at the top of the page let the audience find out everything they need to about the band there is a section for lyrics, news, blog, live, images, videos and lots more. This gives a insight into the band and people that are not fans are able to find out everything about them. The layout of the webpage is simple with the links at the top aswell of the logo of the band which is recognisable as their logo is just their band name. The layout is also simple as the navigations are easy to find and bold to see them.

Who is the target audience? How are they targeted?

The target audience will be fans of the Indie Genre and their age will probally be around teh age of 15-30. The target audience are targeted by the use of the live gig footage of the band. The live footage also gives a new audience member the chance to see what the band are like this engages them and can even convert them to liking the band. The footage also is free and quick to find, showing the footage means that fans have not got to look far for good quality footage of the band, e.g youtube.

How successful is it at promoting the artist?

The artist is promoted well I think because of the video and the links the website has. The band is the first thing you see and hear. This promotes the band by maybe word of mouth as fans can go on and see that the video of the bands is up and the fans can share it with others. The links that the website has which said in question one help to promote the artist as everything a fan needs is on that website. This means that the fan has not got to go to other websites and have hassle searching for what they need to know.

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