Thursday 7 October 2010

Ideas for 'I'm A Liar'


-Opening instrumental; considering band in background, also starting off with a guy waking up, and getting ready (getting out of bed, going into the bathroom, looking in the mirror, sticking on clothes he wore last night-that maybe trigger memories of the night before?) maybe showing him to be quite a mess; quite a few jumpcuts and mostly handheld camera work-to connote that the guy isn't very organised, a bit 'all over the place' and he's a bit of a 'jack the lad', quite confident/cheeky; also maybe shots of his room, showing the state of it. Maybe static shots showing his room, then his alarm clock, and various other parts of his room, really getting across to the audience that this is a young guy, who isn't really bothered about material things-quite 'carefree'.

-Also, to match the guitar strumming at the beginning of the instrumental, we could have the shots of his room, then being cut into with snippets of a guitar being strummed/played; so the music can be incorporated into the action.

-Maybe, instead of having a whole band being shown at points throughout the music video, we could have one person playing a guitar/drums, in which we take CU's and ECU's of, and use to cut into various other shots; matching the beats of the music.
-Fast paced 'ba ba ba ba ba ba'-could intergrate various shots of the main character running; i.e shots of his feet, his eyes, his face as he's running, him looking over his shoulder, his body etc (CU/ECU) and also whilst there are shots of the guy running, there are ECU's of fast strumming being slotted inbetween the running action.

-Lyrics; maybe tell the story backwards, following the lyrics; maybe including a bar/club; CU's of crumpled beer cans, a trashed house-he doesnt remember it. Maybe shaky POV shots-put effects during the editing stages, making the POV shot very blurry and unsteady; Maybe the girl he's chasing keeps on appearing and dissappearing; connoting this girl is always moving, and he cant seem to keep control of her.

-2nd verse of 'ba ba ba ba ba' maybe the guy could be frantically trying to clean up-once again with ECU's of strumming, and drumming; building pace and intentsity. Loads of jumpcuts once again-picking up cans in one shot, taking out the bins in the next shot etc, etc.

-During the slower verse's, the guy could be 'stealthily' trying to follow the girl; trying to act a sleuth, and be smooth, but maybe falls over, gets seen by various people-trys to act casual. Also, we could maybe intergrate random, frantic shots from the night before, him jumping about maybe, enjoying himself, drinking, being with girls etc.

-We want to focus on jumpcuts and a lot of handheld shots; to connote that the guy is a mess, and also to get across matching the beat of the music to the fast paced action. We also want to incorporate static, abstract-esque shots, and have also discussed zooming in whilst walking backwards with the camera, and we want to experiment with shots that are aeshtetically pleasing.

These are some initial ideas we have discussed and put down, and this will probably serve as a basis for the story of our music video-but we are yet to expand and develop the idea with more creative flare.

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