Wednesday 16 February 2011

Audience feedback, Evaluation.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

My audience feedback I believe was not as good as what I hoped for. I never used paper questionnaires as these were hard to gain audience feedback from. They were hard to analyse, and took a lot of time to do. Also using paper designs meant that people are unreliable and they may not answer correctly as they are rushing their way through the questions. I know this from previous experience from being someone who rushes through questions. Instead of using paper designs I used a website called Surveymonkey’ where I was able to make a questionnaire online, which was a easy way to share my questions all over the world, by embedding the link of my questionnaire to pages such as Blogger, Facebook and Twitter and Youtube. Once my video was uploaded on to Youtube I was able to add the questionnaire below it as a link. This was a positive way where sharing ideas could be done and made easy. Whoever watched my music video had an opportunity to answer questions and say what they thought of the video. I used questionnaires for my digipak and my webpage to get feedback. I did make one for my music video but this was just to use on Youtube. Instead of using a questionnaire for my music video I organised a focus group which I done with my class, as they are members of my target audience. I believe this was very effective as I was given reliable results and they were answered to a limit that I expected to gain.

My focus group was the main element I believe to my feedback as my answers were very reliable towards my music video. The first question that my group asked was ‘What were your first impressions of our music video?’ the answers that we received were very positive and it was 100% positive results of people enjoyed my music video, and they believed that it was good. The next feedback that we received was that the shots went on for a bit to long. This is something that as a group we never realised as we knew why we wanted the shots to be long, and this was because we wanted to show the whole of the ‘Tramp’ in what she was doing. The next question in which we asked was ‘Do you understand the narrative of the story’. This was a question in which I really wanted to know the answer to because as we were filming I was worried that people may not know what is happening or what the point of the story was. As we was having the ideas in the group every change that happened we knew why it was happening but obviously other people may not realise what is going on. This question I believe was very good to realise what I have learned from my audience feedback. The feedback that we received was 100% positive as everyone said yes that they knew what was happening and they followed the narrative of what is going on. The next question was ‘Did you enjoy watching the music video?’ This feedback was essential as we wanted the audience to enjoy it. As a group we wanted to make the music video different and enjoyable to watch for the audience. From this question we can see that we succeeded in our aim. One of the answers that we was given was ‘Because it was funny it held my attention’. This comment makes up how we wanted the music video to be. We never followed the lyrics of the song, and we completely diverted the music video so it was completely different to what people would expect. The feedback gained helped us as a group to see that we did succeed in a lot of what we wanted to do. Next was the question of ‘What was your favourite part of the video?’ This was a good question to ask because it narrowed down what people thought was good and what individual effect, appealed to them. The transition of sped up time seemed to be a hit with the audience which was a good thing as I actually did not like this effect in my music video so it was good to see other people enjoyed it. It also suggested that the effects went well in the video. Another part of feedback that we got was that the opening sequence was really good. As it was the most important scene of the music video, as it tells what is going on. From this I got the impression that as a group our idea was able to work and fit in well with the narrative. The comment also suggested that we were making the audience curious of what is going to happen. From this comment I can tell that as a group we were able to succeed in the idea of us wanting to hold the attention of the audience. The next question was a risky one I believe as it was 'Is there anything that you would change'. I believe that this would be risky as we put a lot of work into the video so bad comments would make us feel amost uneasy about them. The idea of continuinity came up. We knew about the continuinity of the music video was not perfect, and it was hard to overcome this as we could not film the shots of the 'Tramp' dancing again as the shots were surprising and captured people's reaction so it could not be shot again as people would know what was going on. The next question was 'After watching this music video would you want to look at the webpage or digipak'. The answers that we recieved was that maybe they wouldn't look because it is not their type of music or that they would like to see the webpage to see how that would look. I believe that the video fits well with the webpage due to iconography so I think that they would be pleased in what they will see with the webpage.

I used the website Surveymonkey for the feedback of my webpage and digipak. This I believe was effective in a way as it was easy to analyse results and gain feedback quickly. The only thing is people are not interested in actually filling out questionnairs. I placed the link to the digipak on my facebook page I only gained 2 results from this. I think this is because people are not interested in helping or filling out questionnaires. The results are not reliable as there is only two so it does not help with the reserach of what people thought. One of the questions was 'Do you think that the digipak, fits with Indie Music'. One person said yes to strongly agree but the other person said strongly disagree. From this I think that the person who said no, does not know alot about Indie music, as other people who havve seen it by word of mouth said that it does. I know that from all the research that I have done showed me what Indie music iconography was like. The next question was 'Does this digipak appeal to you'. Again the results were split for one saying yes and one saying no. The person who said yes is interested in the digiak. The person who said no I could suggest that maybe they are not into Indie Music. The next question was 'If you see the digipak in the shop will you buy it' Both answers were yes. This is ironic as earlier questions someone said they were not intrested in the digipak so it is ironic that they would buy it. This suggestst that the results are unreliable because obviously they were not filled out to a standard that could help me in analysing what people thought. Again this is not enough of people to show me a good amount of feedback to gain a lot of knowledge of what people thought. I made my questionnaire on surveymonkey for my webpage also. WIth this I invited 3 people of my target audience to come and navigate threw my webpage. They then filled out the questionnaires on surveymonkey. The first question was 'Is this webpage appealing to you' two people said yes it was and one person said no. This question sugests that my webpage may be appealing to the people who like indie and the other person who said no could not like indie. I now know that maybe I should have made a question at the beginning asking 'Do you like Indie Music' as my results owuld have been more effective to my audience. The next question was 'Would you visit the webpage often' again two people answered yes but one said no. This could suggest the same as before. Even though one person said no, two people still said yes which is good in what I wanted to succeed as it is appealing to them and they are interested in seeing what else will happen on the webpage. The next question that I asked was 'do you think the webpage fits to the genre of music'. From this three people all said yes. This suggests that I succeeded in the iconography of Indie bands. This was just by asking three people if I was to ask more people I think that maybe the answers given would have been more reliable to me.

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