Today 17th November me Courtney and James began the filming of the project. The cold weather hindered us to do shots perfect as it was to cold to re take loads of shots. The filming I believe went very well as the shots we got I believe may be enough footage and the shots worked well with what we wanted to do. The iPod owner is the scenes that we shot this morning and the only doubt I have is if the beginning shots will work well. If not we will re shoot these shots.
We are still carrying on filming today moving on to the shots with Charlotte our dancing tramp.
Also when filming we decided on a editing technique which was putting all the beginning scene with the iPod owner in black and white but then changing the colour when charlotte puts the headphones on.
Next Filming:
The filming after what was filmed this morning we filmed charlotte being the tramp. I believe that we got some good shots out of todays filming ones that could be used as still shots also. The cold weather was a put of so was hard to get shots perfect as the camera could not be held as steady as possible. The last scene of the music video is the scene where the tramp is dancing without anyone knowing why she was doing it. We had three different cameras filming her at different angles which one camera will be used as CCTV filming.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Check list for the day 17th November shooting
Cameras *4
Phone camera
Charlotte Daly (Tramp)
Mr Smith (Teacher)
Mr Lawes (iPod Owner)
Charlotte - Dirty Raggy clothing
Mr Lawes - Jeans and T-Shirt
Mr Smith - Suit
Cameras *4
Phone camera
Charlotte Daly (Tramp)
Mr Smith (Teacher)
Mr Lawes (iPod Owner)
Charlotte - Dirty Raggy clothing
Mr Lawes - Jeans and T-Shirt
Mr Smith - Suit
Detailed Filming Schedule
9am - 11am: Ipod begininning - Outside school. Shots of actor and facial expressions of him and feet shots of him walking, answering the phone etc.
11.30-1.30 Most Shots involving tramp. Picking up of iPod, spotting it, inspecting the iPod, headphones on, fits and dancing. Fighting with headphones. The Tramp dancing towards school.
2.00-3.30 The teacher who sees the tramp outside of school teaching to another teacher. Spotting the tramp outside school (looking from canteen windows). The tramp still struggling to get the headphones of children start to come out of school. All of us are filming the tramp at different angles. Tramp finally gets the headphones of and throws them to the floor. They are left on the floor when someone else picks them up.
11.30-1.30 Most Shots involving tramp. Picking up of iPod, spotting it, inspecting the iPod, headphones on, fits and dancing. Fighting with headphones. The Tramp dancing towards school.
2.00-3.30 The teacher who sees the tramp outside of school teaching to another teacher. Spotting the tramp outside school (looking from canteen windows). The tramp still struggling to get the headphones of children start to come out of school. All of us are filming the tramp at different angles. Tramp finally gets the headphones of and throws them to the floor. They are left on the floor when someone else picks them up.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Location Shots
Here are the pictures of the location that we are using to film our project. We are filming on site of our 6th form as it is easier for the idea of our music video.
Below is the pictures of where we are shooting.

This is where the beginning of the music video will take place, where the 'dancing tramp' finds the iPod and begings to dance.

This is a image of the front of the school where the students will be exiting from school to find the main character dacning away.

This is a map of where the School is.
Below is the pictures of where we are shooting.

This is where the beginning of the music video will take place, where the 'dancing tramp' finds the iPod and begings to dance.

This is a image of the front of the school where the students will be exiting from school to find the main character dacning away.

This is a map of where the School is.
Filming Schedule.
PERIOD 1 & 2 - Film all shots involving 'Ipod owner' and maybe some extra shots. Also film the last few shots involving the person picking up the headphones at the end of the video; maybe include some extra shots. Any 'bonus' establishing shots of the school etc.
PERIOD 3 & 4 - Footage involving both the 'Ipod owner' and 'Tramp' with the scenes where the Ipod is dropped and then picked up, also where the 'Tramp' is reacting to the music alone, also where he is approaching the school. Any shots with Mr.Smith seeing him (If he is available at this time)
PERIOD 5 - Any extra shots (maybe unplanned) of the tramp fitting, the manic camera work (shaky, frantic zooming in and out)
AFTER SCHOOL - Kids coming out of school, filming reactions to tramp, asking some of them to pretend to film with their phones, laugh, react to the tramp (ACT!)
PERIOD 3 & 4 - Footage involving both the 'Ipod owner' and 'Tramp' with the scenes where the Ipod is dropped and then picked up, also where the 'Tramp' is reacting to the music alone, also where he is approaching the school. Any shots with Mr.Smith seeing him (If he is available at this time)
PERIOD 5 - Any extra shots (maybe unplanned) of the tramp fitting, the manic camera work (shaky, frantic zooming in and out)
AFTER SCHOOL - Kids coming out of school, filming reactions to tramp, asking some of them to pretend to film with their phones, laugh, react to the tramp (ACT!)
Model Release Forms - Surrounding Public
We have just filmed you for our media A2 coursework for a Music Video. Sorry we could not tell you as we needed to get reaction to the ‘Dancing Tramp’. If you are willing to help us out and let us use you in the footage it would be a great help in helping us obtain a good ALevel grade.
If you are willing to help us out by letting us use the footage of you that we filmed. can you please fill in the details below.
I give Permission for Manic Productions to use footage of me as part of their ALevel Media Project.
Signature: ………………………………………………..
Manic Productions: Francesca Batt
We have just filmed you for our media A2 coursework for a Music Video. Sorry we could not tell you as we needed to get reaction to the ‘Dancing Tramp’. If you are willing to help us out and let us use you in the footage it would be a great help in helping us obtain a good ALevel grade.
If you are willing to help us out by letting us use the footage of you that we filmed. can you please fill in the details below.
I give Permission for Manic Productions to use footage of me as part of their ALevel Media Project.
Signature: ………………………………………………..
Manic Productions: Francesca Batt
Model search for 'Dancing Tramp'
We were wondering if you could feature as the main character in our A2 Media Coursework as basically a ‘Dancing Tramp’. Our project is a Music Video on a song by the ‘Pigeon Detectives – I’m a Liar’. In the group it is Francesca Batt, Courtney Heary, James Forbes and Connor Barry. We are aiming to film next Wednesday the 17th but are waiting for confirmation from Mr Smith to see what his schedule is, and to see if he can make filming.
Below is the idea of the Music Video that my group has.
My group and I have decided that our final idea would defiantly pursue with the dancing tramp. At the beginning of the lesson we were keen to think of the idea of using a dance group in the video who would randomly be dancing outside of the school. But we have changed this and decided that just the 'tramp' on his own would be much more appropriate and more effective. The ideas that we have decided on is having at the beginning the idea of a man who is in a suit who has the headphones on that seem to be making him sing and dance. He receives a phone call where he begins to be very stressed and runs and drops his iPod. The tramp picks it up and can not get the headphones of this is where he begins to sing and dance around. He begins to dance outside of the school and the kids do not have an idea of what is going on. This is where their reaction would be filmed like the 'T-Mobile' advert. He finally begins to get out of breath and starts to walk of and throws his headphones to the floor. Throughout there will be jump shots of live footage such as guitars playing.
For more information on the Project you could look at any of our blogs they are listed below.
We need you to be able to dance and basically go crazy like the headphones are taking over your body and you can not stop what the headphones are making you do. The main part of the video is you being outside school doors at 3.20 when the kids are coming out of school and you just carry on dancing with no one knowing what is going on and why you are dancing like this. Mr Smith will come out and push you along to get away from outside of school. No body will know what is going on and we will be trying to hide with the cameras so know one will get the idea. We will have different cameras in different angles filming you in this scene. The Video does not fit the song but this is the ironic crazy part of the video what people will not expect to see.
If you are willing to do this then could you please let us know as soon as possible before Monday 15th November. Then we will choose one of the main characters and will let you know the next day. We really need you to be able to not be bothered about who is around you and who is looking at you. And the Video of the dancing outside of school needs to be filmed in one shot so it needs to be perfect.
Francesca Batt xx
We were wondering if you could feature as the main character in our A2 Media Coursework as basically a ‘Dancing Tramp’. Our project is a Music Video on a song by the ‘Pigeon Detectives – I’m a Liar’. In the group it is Francesca Batt, Courtney Heary, James Forbes and Connor Barry. We are aiming to film next Wednesday the 17th but are waiting for confirmation from Mr Smith to see what his schedule is, and to see if he can make filming.
Below is the idea of the Music Video that my group has.
My group and I have decided that our final idea would defiantly pursue with the dancing tramp. At the beginning of the lesson we were keen to think of the idea of using a dance group in the video who would randomly be dancing outside of the school. But we have changed this and decided that just the 'tramp' on his own would be much more appropriate and more effective. The ideas that we have decided on is having at the beginning the idea of a man who is in a suit who has the headphones on that seem to be making him sing and dance. He receives a phone call where he begins to be very stressed and runs and drops his iPod. The tramp picks it up and can not get the headphones of this is where he begins to sing and dance around. He begins to dance outside of the school and the kids do not have an idea of what is going on. This is where their reaction would be filmed like the 'T-Mobile' advert. He finally begins to get out of breath and starts to walk of and throws his headphones to the floor. Throughout there will be jump shots of live footage such as guitars playing.
For more information on the Project you could look at any of our blogs they are listed below.
We need you to be able to dance and basically go crazy like the headphones are taking over your body and you can not stop what the headphones are making you do. The main part of the video is you being outside school doors at 3.20 when the kids are coming out of school and you just carry on dancing with no one knowing what is going on and why you are dancing like this. Mr Smith will come out and push you along to get away from outside of school. No body will know what is going on and we will be trying to hide with the cameras so know one will get the idea. We will have different cameras in different angles filming you in this scene. The Video does not fit the song but this is the ironic crazy part of the video what people will not expect to see.
If you are willing to do this then could you please let us know as soon as possible before Monday 15th November. Then we will choose one of the main characters and will let you know the next day. We really need you to be able to not be bothered about who is around you and who is looking at you. And the Video of the dancing outside of school needs to be filmed in one shot so it needs to be perfect.
Francesca Batt xx
Cast Letter
On Wednesday 17th of November, Me (Francesca Batt), Courtney Heary, James Forbes and Connor Barry are filming for our media A2 coursework. Our coursework is a music video that we are making for a Indie Band called ‘The Pigeon Detectives’. To one of their songs called ‘I’m a Liar’. Below is the Idea of our music video.
My group and I have decided that our final idea would defiantly pursue with the dancing tramp. At the beginning of the lesson we were keen to think of the idea of using a dance group in the video who would randomly be dancing outside of the school. But we have changed this and decided that just the 'tramp' on his own would be much more appropriate and more effective. The ideas that we have decided on is having at the beginning the idea of a man who is in a suit who has the headphones on that seem to be making him sing and dance. He receives a phone call where he begins to be very stressed and runs and drops his ipod. The tramp picks it up and can not get the headphones of this is where he begins to sing and dance around. He begins to dance outside of the school and the kids do not have an idea of what is going on. This is where their reaction would be filmed like the 'T-Mobile' advert. He finally begins to get out of breath and starts to walk of and throws his headphones to the floor. Throughout there will be jump shots of live footage such as guitars playing.
We would really like you to be involved in the music video by basically acting like you have no idea who the ‘Tramp’ is outside of school. My group and I will be trying to hide to film this dancer so the cameras do not give it all away. We basically need you to come out of school when all the children are coming out and start pushing this dancer away from the premises. We need you to go along with the whole story so the video works in one shot because it can not be filmed again. We also need you for some shots where you are with another teacher seeing the tramp from inside of school. Also is it possible if you have another teacher you could find just so you can talk to when you see the tramp from inside the school.
If you could help us out with this could you let us know if Wednesday is ok for you, or if it is not ok for you? Can you let me know what day is please.
Thank you
Francesca Batt
On Wednesday 17th of November, Me (Francesca Batt), Courtney Heary, James Forbes and Connor Barry are filming for our media A2 coursework. Our coursework is a music video that we are making for a Indie Band called ‘The Pigeon Detectives’. To one of their songs called ‘I’m a Liar’. Below is the Idea of our music video.
My group and I have decided that our final idea would defiantly pursue with the dancing tramp. At the beginning of the lesson we were keen to think of the idea of using a dance group in the video who would randomly be dancing outside of the school. But we have changed this and decided that just the 'tramp' on his own would be much more appropriate and more effective. The ideas that we have decided on is having at the beginning the idea of a man who is in a suit who has the headphones on that seem to be making him sing and dance. He receives a phone call where he begins to be very stressed and runs and drops his ipod. The tramp picks it up and can not get the headphones of this is where he begins to sing and dance around. He begins to dance outside of the school and the kids do not have an idea of what is going on. This is where their reaction would be filmed like the 'T-Mobile' advert. He finally begins to get out of breath and starts to walk of and throws his headphones to the floor. Throughout there will be jump shots of live footage such as guitars playing.
We would really like you to be involved in the music video by basically acting like you have no idea who the ‘Tramp’ is outside of school. My group and I will be trying to hide to film this dancer so the cameras do not give it all away. We basically need you to come out of school when all the children are coming out and start pushing this dancer away from the premises. We need you to go along with the whole story so the video works in one shot because it can not be filmed again. We also need you for some shots where you are with another teacher seeing the tramp from inside of school. Also is it possible if you have another teacher you could find just so you can talk to when you see the tramp from inside the school.
If you could help us out with this could you let us know if Wednesday is ok for you, or if it is not ok for you? Can you let me know what day is please.
Thank you
Francesca Batt
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Starting of my Homepage
When I began on working on my Homepage on iWeb on the Mac I came across a few problems. These were that my links to different pages would not work and it was not possible to click on the links to use them as hyperlinks. Even though I had changed the settings for the hyperlinks they did still not work on my first try at a homepage. After this lesson I began to create my new homepage for The Pigeon Detectives, I made a paper draft of how I thought my Homepage should and will look but after playing around on iWeb I decided to change a few things to my design. One on the main changes I decided to do was change my banner. I first wanted to use a moving image banner such as Jamie.T uses on him homepage but after using iWeb I realised that this would not be easy and would actually take a lot of time to do. Another main elemenet that I changed was the drop down music player, even though I would have really liked to use this iWeb does not hold the feature to let me use this. So instead I will have one song playing and just let the audience of the webpage decide if they would like the music to play or not. On iWeb I layed out how I would like the elements of a webpage to be placed on my homepage. This included pictures, hyperlinks, banner, video, audio, font and colour. My banner that I am deciding to use is going to be made on a software called 'Gimp' this allows me to edit images and add effects to it such as fading and even editing colours to make the image look completly different. My webpage is still in process and the banner is still being made to fit the audience of the music genre indie music.

Thursday, 4 November 2010
The Pigeon Detectives. Background
The Pigeon Detectives are an English band from Rothwell who formed in 2002. They have been championed by such well known DJs as Steve Lamacq and Jo Whiley, and performed at the Reading and Leeds Festivals in 2006, where they were tagged "the band most likely to leap to the main stage in 2007" in an NME review. They supported Dirty Pretty Things whilst they toured in spring 2006. In early November 2006 they supported fellow Leeds band Kaiser Chiefs. On 8 July 2007, they played on the Radio 1 NME Stage in front of thousands at T in the Park. They went on to perform their biggest show ever at Oxegen 2008 which was beamed around Europe on MTV.

Jake Wynne
On the 13th October my class was given the chance to meet Jake Wynne who is a Director and Editor who works in London. He has worked on commercials and music videos for many years. He was inspired by media work he had worked on when he was in secondary school and he edited horror movies and made them here. He then went on to study at Staffordshire University, taking a degree in Film, TV and Radio studies. (This was the first year the course was around). After leaving University he began as a runner at Rushes Post Production House and learned how to cut on non-linear editing systems. This is where he began to try his work out and began to edit award winning commercials and promos for the likes of Robbie Williams and the Spice Girls. He then joined up with a close frind Jim Canty and they became a team. Throughtout the years they worked together and and won the Best New Director Award for 1999 at the Music Week Creative & Design Awards. They continued to direct videos through 2001 for artists including Stereophonics, Catatonia, Feeder, Paul Weller, Spiritualized and their first foray into pop with two videos for Geri Halliwell including ‘It’s Raining Men’. In August 2001 they began to work on commercials, directing spots for Mother, BBH, TBWA and McCann-Ericson. Commercials have included Observer Sport Monthly, Nescafe, PlayStation, BMW, Nike Footlocker, Abbey National, Strongbow, Kelloggs and a worldwide campaign for Vigorsol/Mentos.In December 2006 the two went there seperate ways and split from the team with Jake joining Blue Post Production as Director and senior Avid offline editor.
As a group we were given the chance to work with Jake and was able to make a music video for Robbie Williams 'Let me entertain you'. The experience with him really made me and my class realise how much work is needed in just the music video that we attempted. We were all given different chances to have different roles which included, camera's and acting on the big stage which gave us experience in how a video can be made.
As a group we were given the chance to work with Jake and was able to make a music video for Robbie Williams 'Let me entertain you'. The experience with him really made me and my class realise how much work is needed in just the music video that we attempted. We were all given different chances to have different roles which included, camera's and acting on the big stage which gave us experience in how a video can be made.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Final Ideas for music video
My group and I have decided that our final idea would defiantly pursue with the dancing tramp. At the beginning of the lesson we were keen to think of the idea of using a dance group in the video who would randomly be dancing outside of the school. But we have changed this and decided that just the 'tramp' on his own would be much more appropriate and more effective. The ideas that we have decided on is having at the beginning the idea of a man who is in a suit who has the headphones on that seem to be making him sing and dance. He receives a phone call where he begins to be very stressed and runs and drops his ipod. The tramp picks it up and can not get the headphones of this is where he begins to sing and dance around. He begins to dance outside of the school and the kids do not have an idea of what is going on. This is where their reaction would be filmed like the 'T-Mobile' advert. He finally begins to get out of breath and starts to walk of and throws his headphones to the floor. Throughout there will be jump shots of live footage such as guitars playing.
Mood Board 3rd November
Here is my mood board for my groups music video. The use of the pictures represent what kind of different things will be in my groups production of a music video. The use of the 'Tramp' is the main theme of my groups video with the themes based around him. The depression and sad picture shows how the tramp is feeling and how is emotions are put across. His emotions change when he finds the 'ipod' and starts listening to the music and begins to dance. His emotion is that he gets very happy and he changes his mood. The angry emotion is of the man in the video who drops the ipod he is on the phone and something is said that makes him very angry and this is where he drops his ipod. The tramp also gets very angry when he can not manage to get the head phones of of him and they take over his body making him dance.
Here is my mood board for my groups music video. The use of the pictures represent what kind of different things will be in my groups production of a music video. The use of the 'Tramp' is the main theme of my groups video with the themes based around him. The depression and sad picture shows how the tramp is feeling and how is emotions are put across. His emotions change when he finds the 'ipod' and starts listening to the music and begins to dance. His emotion is that he gets very happy and he changes his mood. The angry emotion is of the man in the video who drops the ipod he is on the phone and something is said that makes him very angry and this is where he drops his ipod. The tramp also gets very angry when he can not manage to get the head phones of of him and they take over his body making him dance.
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